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Pyorrhea Treatment Home Remedies (Gum Disease) - Vihado.in



Pyorrhea Treatment Home Remedies (Gum Disease)

Pyorrhea is a dental infection caused by bacteria. Simply put, it is a gum inflammation that primarily affects the membrane that surrounds the teeth’s roots. Though pyorrhea is a common and painful problem that affects many people, home remedies for pyorrhea are simple and effective. Untreated pyorrhea, on the other hand, causes pus leakage and tooth loosening. Symptoms of pyorrhea, also known as periodontitis, include bleeding when brushing, sore gums, a foul odor, pain while eating, and swollen, red, or recessed gums.

Simple and natural ingredients that can help you maintain good dental and oral hygiene.

The most common cause of pyorrhea is the formation of bacterial plaque, which is usually caused by poor dental hygiene. Other factors could include improper or rushed brushing, incorrect toothpick use, untreated gum injuries, food particle deposition, and unhealthy eating habits. They can all have a significant impact on your dental health. Excess sugar and other unhealthy foods can increase the number of germs in your mouth, causing pyorrhea. Some vitamin and mineral deficiencies may also act as triggers. The good news is that it is a minor condition that can be easily treated with a few simple home remedies, which are listed below. Continue reading to learn more!

Home Remedies for Pyorrhea Treatment:

1. Lemon Juice

Pyorrhea treatment with raw lemon juice may be effective. You can use your fingertips to gently massage lemon juice all over your gums. It may cause a burning sensation at first, but it will eventually stop the bleeding. Regular use can significantly improve the health of your gums and teeth.

2. Mustard Seed Oil

Using mustard oil to massage your gums can also help treat pyorrhea. After brushing your teeth, take some mustard oil and season it with salt. Using the tip of your forefinger, massage this mixture into your gums. If you have excessive gum pain, soak an earbud or cotton ball in this mixture and gently massage your gums.

3. Guava

Guava is an excellent tonic for teeth because it is high in Vitamin C. Chewing unripe guava fruit sprinkled with salt is another effective home remedy for pyorrhea. The tender leaves of the guava fruit can also be chewed. This will keep your teeth healthy and your gums from bleeding.

4. Alum and Pomegranate Rind

This is an effective treatment for pyorrhea. Simply combine 500 grams of dried pomegranate rind with 10 grams of alum (phitkari), black pepper, and Epsom salt (sendha namak). Sieve the mixture after it has been ground to a fine powder. For best results, brush your teeth twice a day with this powder.

5. Carrot and Spinach

Carrots and spinach are excellent oral hygiene foods. You can consume a carrot and spinach soup as part of your diet. Alternatively, for best results, combine equal parts carrot and spinach juice and drink this mixture every day.

6. Sesame Oil

Gargling with sesame oil can also help treat pyorrhea. Fill your mouth with sesame oil and keep it there for about 10 minutes. Swish the oil around in your mouth for a few seconds before spitting it out. This will relieve gum pain and stop gum bleeding. This is one of the best home remedies for pyorrhea that can also be used to treat other dental issues.

7. Castor Oil, Camphor, And Honey

One of the best home made Remedies for Pyorrhea. Make a paste with 200 mL castor oil, 100 mL honey, and 5 grams camphor. Dip a Neem twig in the paste and rub it on your teeth and gums. Consider doing this on a daily basis for the best results.

8. Orange and Banana Peels

To treat pyorrhea, orange peel powder and rub it on your gums. This will smear Vitamin C on your teeth, which may stop the bleeding. The inner fibrous side of the banana peel can also help heal receding gums. The inner threadlike peel of the banana aids in dental health. So eat the banana with the threadlike peel.

9. Banyan Bark

Boil some banyan bark in a vessel filled with water for about 30 minutes. Allow it to cool for a few minutes. Gargle with this water after straining and filtering it. This is extremely effective in the treatment of pyorrhea.

10. Onion

Because of its anti-protozoal activity, onion may be useful in the treatment of pyorrhea. Simply keep a piece of onion or onion seed, i.e. kalonji, in your mouth, below your teeth. Wait until your saliva begins to drip from your mouth. This will aid in the reduction of gum inflammation.

Pyorrhea Prevention

Pyorrhea is a dental condition characterized by gum inflammation. It can be aggravating and painful. While several home remedies provide relief, we can avoid developing this painful condition in the first place by following some simple guidelines.

Tips to Prevent Pyorrhea

1. Maintain proper dental hygiene to get rid of bad breath and reduce the risk of infection.

2. Visit your dentist every year for a dental checkup and get a scaling done.

3. Use a soft brush to clean your tongue one a week.

4. Massage your gums regularly in a circular motion to keep your gums healthy.

5. Avoid consuming tobacco, nicotine, alcohol, and highly acidic foods to prevent further gum problems.

6. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables for stronger and healthier gums.

7. Use and electric toothbrush to allow deep access to difficult areas of your mouth for better cleaning.

Pyorrhea, also known as periodontitis, is an inflammatory dental condition caused by bacterial buildup along the gums and tooth membrane linings. This condition can be triggered by poor dental hygiene and a high-sugar diet. Pyorrhea treatment at home entails using readily available, natural ingredients such as guava, Epsom salt, mustard oil, pomegranate rind, and so on. For noticeable results, you must follow the remedies exactly and for a few days. Contact your medical healthcare provider if symptoms such as bleeding, pain, or bad breath persist or worsen.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is pyorrhea spreadable?

Yes, pyorrhea is contagious because bacteria in the mouth can be passed on to others by sharing drinks or saliva. However, not everyone who comes into contact with the pathogen becomes ill. Individuals who have been exposed for several months and have poor oral hygiene are at risk of developing pyorrhea.

2. What exactly is the distinction between gingivitis and pyorrhea?

Gingivitis is gum inflammation that usually precedes pyorrhea (also known as periodontitis), a more serious condition characterized by inflammation of the hard tissues surrounding the teeth.

3. Can pyorrhea be permanently cured?

Pyorrhea can be cured if treated in its early stages.

4. What is the best toothpaste for pyorrhea?

For pyorrhea, any medicated toothpaste formulated with antimicrobials and other ingredients that fight infection and gum disease is beneficial. Consult your dentist for specific advice.

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