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The Science Behind Wet Dandruff and How to Manage It



The Science Behind Wet Dandruff and How to Manage It

The Science Behind Wet Dandruff and How to Manage It

Natural cures can help get rid of the tenacious, oily, sticky coating of dead cells on your scalp. Wet dandruff, if you haven’t heard of it, is a type of dandruff brought on by the natural oil on your scalp. Wet dandruff typically worsens faster than dry dandruff does. The majority of persons who have this type of dandruff have oily scalps, and the flakes are larger and adhere to the hair strands than those associated with dry dandruff. However, the best dandruff treatment options can assist you in getting rid of those irritating flakes. What causes wet dandruff, how to treat it, and other topics have all been covered in this article. Navigate down.


In This Article

What Is Wet Dandruff?
What Are The Causes Of Wet Dandruff?
How Does Wet Dandruff Occur On Eyebrows And Eyelashes?
Dry Dandruff v/s Wet Dandruff
How To Get Dandruff Out Of Wet Hair
How To Treat Wet Dandruff Naturally?
Frequently Asked Questions


What Is Wet Dandruff?

Sebaceous glands, which are found behind your scalp, are primarily responsible for manufacturing the natural oil sebum. Your hair and scalp are kept moisturized and are kept from drying out by this sebum. Also, it works to lessen frizz and delay the onset of aging symptoms.

The issue starts when the sebaceous glands kick into overdrive and produce an excessive amount of sebum. The extra sebum begins to accumulate on your scalp, making it sticky. Dandruff begins to form as a result of it attracting and adhering to dirt and dead skin cells . Sebum develops a sticky layer on your scalp because it is moist. Wet dandruff or oily dandruff are used to describe this type of dandruff. Your scalp may occasionally feel as though it were dripping with a sticky liquid while also displaying signs of other disorders. According to dermatologist Dr. Anna Chacon, MD, FAAD, it can mimic the signs and symptoms of eczema, scalp psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis.


What Are The Causes Of Wet Dandruff?

You may be wondering why your sebaceous glands have started performing strangely and producing excessive amounts of sebum. Well, hormonal changes brought on by puberty or stress are the most typical culprits . Another important factor could be inconsistent and infrequent shampooing routines that result in inadequate scalp cleansing and the accumulation of debris and dead skin cells that cause a moist scalp.


How Does Wet Dandruff Occur On Eyebrows And Eyelashes?

Your body is covered in sebaceous glands. Your eyebrows and eyelashes are the only other places on your body that are exposed to the environment and contain a thick concentration of hair in addition to your scalp. Thus, those areas’ sebaceous glands may likewise overproduce oil, which results in moist dandruff .


Dry Dandruff v/s Wet Dandruff

Little, white flakes that are generally present on your scalp with dry dandruff are easily removed with even the smallest movement. On the other hand, wet dandruff looks like thick, yellow, sticky flakes that stick to your hair shafts and form clumps. They are not readily knocked off. After scratching, the scalp typically feels damp.

Dry dandruff doesn’t make the scalp red or irritated, and it usually goes away in the summer. Yet wet dandruff is a more chronic problem that makes the scalp extremely itchy and swollen. A damp sensation on the head is brought on by this kind of dandruff.

You must treat wet dandruff using natural therapies that focus on these issues since it is a more persistent condition and produces intense itching.

Here are a few things that you can try out.


How To Get Dandruff Out Of Wet Hair

Aloe Vera Gel
Apple Cider Vinegar
Lemon Juice And Amla Juice
Baking Soda
Fenugreek Seeds


1. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera contains vitamins B, C, and E as well as purifying enzymes like oxidase, amylase, and catalase. Moreover, it has glycoproteins that ease itching and minimize inflammation . As a result, it might aid in removing the fatty deposits, oil buildup, and dead skin cells that are obstructing your hair follicles and produce moist dandruff.

what you require

Aloe vera gel, 3 to 4 tablespoons, towel, and hot water

Steps to Take

Your entire scalp should be covered in aloe vera gel.
Warm the towel up before wringing away the extra water.
Your head should be covered by this heated, damp towel for 30 minutes.
With a gentle shampoo, remove the aloe vera gel.
Follow this schedule three times per week.


2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Using apple cider vinegar to treat damp dandruff is quite effective . This might be a result of the acidic nature of apple cider vinegar changing the pH of your scalp, which hinders the growth of the fungus that causes dandruff.

what you require

a half cup of apple cider vinegar

Steps to Take

Apply the apple cider vinegar on your entire scalp and give it a gentle massage.
Keep it running for ten minutes.
Use a gentle shampoo to remove it, then condition your hair as usual.
Do this procedure once every week.


3. Lemon Juice And Amla Juice

The combination of lemon juice and amla juice effectively cleans your scalp of oil buildup and damp dandruff. Moreover, lemon juice’s citric acid functions as an antibacterial agent and assists in eliminating the fungus that causes moist dandruff .

what you require

Lemon juice, two tablespoons
Amla juice, two tablespoons
cotton swab

Steps to Take

Combine the juices in a bowl.
Use a cotton ball to apply this mixture all over your scalp.
Leave it on for 30 minutes before washing it off with mild shampoo.
Follow this routine twice a week.


4. Baking Soda

Although it would seem strange to use baking soda to treat damp dandruff, it might be effective in this situation. According to a French study, baking soda can eradicate the fungus that causes dandruff .

what you require

Baking soda, 3 tablespoons

Steps to Take

Baking soda and water should be combined.
Apply this paste to your entire scalp, then let it sit for ten minutes.
With some water and a gentle shampoo, remove it.
Do this procedure once every week.


5. Fenugreek Seeds

The antibacterial and antifungal characteristics of fenugreek seeds help them combat infections that can be causing and exacerbate wet dandruff disease .

what you require

Fenugreek seeds, two tablespoons

Steps to Take

Fenugreek seeds should be soaked in water overnight.
The following morning, blend them into a smooth paste.
All over your scalp, apply this paste, and let it sit for 30 minutes.
Remove it using gentle shampoo.
Repeat this procedure twice every week.


How To Treat Wet Dandruff Naturally?

Dandruff is one of the most common hair care difficulties that many people encounter. Regardless of the season, dandruff can cause you difficulties at any time. No matter how much protection you give your hair, dandruff might still form. To avoid further serious hair problems, such as hair loss, balding, and scalp infections, dandruff must be treated. Both wet and dry dandruff exist. Although dry dandruff is typical, treating wet dandruff properly is important. Learn how to treat wet dandruff naturally by reading the information below.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera contains cleansing enzymes & glycoproteins that alleviate itching and inflammation.
What To Do •Apply aloe gel evenly to your scalp, wrap your head with a soaked hot towel for 30 minutes, and then wash it
off with a light shampoo. •Follow this schedule 3 times per week.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar lowers your scalp’s pH, making it difficult for the fungus that causes dandruff to develop.
What To Do
Apply the ACV to your entire head
and massage it in. Leave it on for ten minutes, then rinse it off with a gentle shampoo, and condition your hair.
• Do this method once every week.

Fenugreek Seeds

These seeds have antibacterial and antifungal qualities that can combat infections that may cause wet dandruff.
What To Do
•Soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water all night. Blend this mixture into a smooth paste in the morning
and apply it to your entire scalp.
•Let it sit for 30 minutes, then rinse it off with a gentle shampoo. Do this twice a week.

Lemon Juice & Amla Juice

Lemon and amla juice work together
to treat wet dandruff. Lemon juice’s citric acid acts as an antimicrobial agent and aids in removing fungus. What To Do
Combine the juices in a bowl, apply the solution to your scalp with a cotton ball, and wait 30 minutes before washing it off with a light shampoo.
•Let it sit for 30 minutes, then rinse it off with a gentle shampoo. Do this twice a week.


An oily scalp can cause wet dandruff. Your scalp gets sticky and attracts dirt and dead skin cells when the sebaceous glands create too much sebum, leading to dandruff. Hormonal fluctuations and inconsistent hair washing are the two main causes of an oily scalp. These two may cause problems with wet dandruff. But, using the techniques mentioned above, you can treat it. Using the suggestions in this article to your situation may help you get rid of moist dandruff and clean your scalp. If these do not work, go to your doctor.


Frequently Asked Questions

What does having yellow dandruff mean?

Yellow dandruff indicates that your scalp is producing too much sebum.

Is puberty a factor in dandruff?

Dandruff can be brought on by the hormonal changes that take place throughout puberty.

Why does my head have scabs?

Your head’s scabs may be the result of excessive scratching and itching brought on by moist dandruff.

Does moist dandruff make you bald?

Usually, dandruff does not cause hair loss directly. But it might scratch your head. Scratching could damage your hair follicles and cause hair loss. Hair loss and wet dandruff may be related. This is because numerous illnesses and disorders can cause dandruff and hair loss.

What is the lifespan of dandruff?

It should last between 15 and 30 days if you follow the recommended course of treatment. But if it persists after that and you still have dandruff, you should probably see a dermatologist.



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