10 Essential Oils for Sinus Infections

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Helps to clear congestion and relieve sinus pressure.

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Eucalyptus oil

Provides a cooling sensation and aids in opening up nasal passages.

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Peppermint oil

Has antimicrobial properties that may help fight sinus infections.

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Tea tree oil

Acts as an expectorant, helping to relieve congestion and promote easier breathing.

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Rosemary oil

Offers soothing properties and can help alleviate sinus-related headaches.

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Lavender oil

Known for its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it may assist in fighting sinus infections.

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Thyme oil

Helps to thin mucus and relieve congestion, supporting sinus drainage.

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Lemon oil

Has potent antimicrobial properties that may help combat sinus infections.

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Oregano oil

Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it can help reduce inflammation in the sinuses.

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Frankincense oil

Offers calming effects and may aid in reducing sinus inflammation and congestion.

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Chamomile oil

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