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Vihado Lavender Essential Oil (10ML-30ML)




Vihado Lavender Essential Oil (10ML-30ML)


Here are some amazing benefits of Lavender Essential Oil :

  • Helps You Relax
  • Skin Care
  • Relieves Joint Pain and Sore Muscles
  • Disinfects Cuts, Bruises and Light Burns
  • Soothes Insect Bites and Repels Insects
  • Naturally Cleans
  • Relieves Respiratory Disorders
  • Smells Great as a Perfume


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About Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular and versatile essential oils used in aromatherapy. Distilled from the plant Lavandula angustifolia, the oil promotes relaxation and believed to treat anxiety, fungal infections, allergies, depression, insomnia, eczema, nausea, and menstrual cramps.

In essential oil practices, lavender is a multipurpose oil. It is purported to have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antidepressant, antiseptic, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, as well as antispasmodic, analgesic, detoxifying, hypotensive, and sedative effects.


Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil

Here are some amazing benefits of Lavender Essential Oil :

Helps You Relax

Lavender essential oil is great anytime you need to relax or wind down. It has positive effects on the nervous system, and calms both your body and mind. A few studies have shown that lavender may be useful for helping with mild sleep disorders, to treat insomnia, and help with low-level anxiety. Historically, lavender was used for mental health purposes, too. Nowadays, lavender essential oil is popular for restlessness, insomnia, anxiety and depression. Overall, it just creates a comforting, calming environment for you!

Skin Care

Lavender’s name comes from the Latin word “lavare”, which translated means “to wash”. Lavender oil has antiseptic properties that can support healthier skin.

To this day, Lavender is a popular ingredient in skin care and spa products such as bath salts or bath oils. Trust me, if you like hot bubble baths, you’ll love a Lavender bath!

Also: many people suffer from acne, wrinkles or age spots. Lavender oil can help! Recommended by dermatologists, Lavender is one of the most beneficial essential oils to treat acne. Its antibacterial properties help regulate your hormones, as well as reduce scarring.

Relieves Joint Pain and Sore Muscles

As a calming and relaxing herb, lavender is great for sore muscles or joint pain! Massaged into your skin, lavender oil can relieve aching muscles or joint pain, and generally take the stress out of your body.

Disinfects Cuts, Bruises and Light Burns

Lavender oil can be quite effective on mild skin irritations such as burns, wounds, or light acne. Its anti-inflammatory properties are great to keep out bacteria or other irritants. You might also find that the wound will heal a lot quicker.

Soothes Insect Bites and Repels Insects

Lavender has healing antibacterial abilities. This means you can use it for any type of infection or irritation, including insect bites.

During the summer season when you’re out hiking and camping, Lavender is a great oil to have around. A drop can reduce the itching and swelling of bee stings and other insect bites.

Naturally Cleans

With Lavenders’ antibacterial properties, you can also add it to your list of natural cleaning products. Use it in an all-purpose cleaning spray, or add it to your potpourri bowl in your bathroom.

Relieves Respiratory Disorders

Lavender oil can help soothe the symptoms of some respiratory conditions such as the common cold and flu, cough, or sinus congestion. Other essential oils can also help with cold and flu symptoms.

Smells Great as a Perfume

If you love the lavender scent and aroma, go ahead and use it as a perfume! Lavender is native to the Mediterranean region in Europe. For the best aroma experience, make sure you’re buying a French Lavender product.

Uses of  Lavender Essential Oil


Add 6-8 drops of Lavender essential oil to your diffuser. You can do this at nighttime to help you relax & unwind at the end of your day and encourage a good nights sleep or perhaps while you are studying to clear your mind.

Quick fix

A few deep inhalations from the bottle can help when you are at work, in the car or anytime you need a quick break.


Add 2-3 drops to the corner of the shower and enjoy the benefits of steam inhalation for both the mind and skin.


Add up to 5 drops in a dispersant such as oil, to the bath to create a relaxing atmosphere while nourishing your skin.


Mix 1 drop of chosen essential oil with 5ml carrier oil and apply to wrists, chest or back of the neck.

Blemishes or wounds

Lavender can be applied neat to the skin making it perfect for spot treatments – apply 1 drop to skin blemishes or wounds.


Use a 2.5% dilution; 50 drops per 100ml carrier oil and use over the entire body, being mindful of the face.

Face massage

Add 1 drop in 5ml carrier oil and massage into skin to help nourish, repair and regenerate.

Hand or foot bath

Add 2 drops of essential oil to a bowl of water. Soak your feet after a long day to help release built up tension.


Add 2 drops of essential oil to a bowl of water. For treating inflammation or to cool down use cold to room temperature water. For aching tight muscles use warm to hot water. Agitate a face washer in the water, wring out excess moisture and apply washer to the affected area. Repeat two or three times as the compress cools down or warms up.

Steam Treatment

Add 2 drops of essential oil to a bowl of steaming hot water. Place your face close to the bowl and cover the back of your head and bowl with a towel to trap the aromatic vapours. Caution due to risk of burns or scalding and keep eyes covered during treatment.


100% Pure & Natural Lavender essential Oil

Botanical Name

Lavandula angustifolia

Safety & Shelf Life

Safety: Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult physician. Avoid contact with eyes.

Shelf Life : 36 Months

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