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How to Get Rid of Dry Skin Around Your Nose: Tips and Tricks



How to Get Rid of Dry Skin Around Your Nose: Tips and Tricks

How to Get Rid of Dry Skin Around Your Nose: Tips and Tricks

Using easy and effective methods, you can get soft, supple skin around your nose. The basic principles of skin care dictate that you should moisturise your face twice daily. While the rest of your face is still smooth and full, there is one problem you cannot resolve: dry skin around the nostrils. The skin around your nose may continue to be dry, irritated, and scaly even after using the finest facial moisturizers. So let’s examine the various causes of dry skin around the nostrils as well as possible remedies. Continue to explore!


In This Article

5 Causes Of Dry Skin Around The Nose
10 Effective Tips And Remedies To Heal Dry Skin Around The Nose
How Long Does Dry Skin Around The Nose Take To Heal?
10 Easy Tips For Preventing Dry Skin Around Your Nose
Frequently Asked Questions
Key Takeaways


5 Causes Of Dry Skin Around The Nose

Although many people associate dry, flaky skin around the nostrils with cold, harsh winters, many people actually deal with this problem year-round. Listed below are a few typical reasons for sensitive skin around the nose:

1. Underlying Skin Conditions

It’s possible that you have a skin disease like seborrheic dermatitis if the skin around your nose is always flaky, dry, and itchy.

Numerous face sites, including the wrinkles around the nose, can develop white, powdery, or yellow, greasy scaling and redness as a result of seborrheic dermatitis. One of the most frequent reasons for localised dryness on the nasal creases is this.

2. Environmental Factors

Your skin’s wellbeing is significantly impacted by your living environment. People, particularly those with fair or sensitive skin, are more susceptible to developing severe skin conditions as a result of exposure to environmental pollutants like dust, debris, and chemicals, as well as to varying weather conditions and, most frequently, UV rays. If left untreated, dry, flaky spots on the nose brought on by a sunburn or years of exposure to the sun can develop into more severe issues. These spots are frequently small, persistent, or always present in the same place.

3. Allergies Or Colds

Even though allergies and colds can occur at any time of the year, the cooler months are when they are most likely to manifest themselves. The skin around your nostrils can become reddish and sore if you blow it frequently and wipe it with a tissue. Frequent blowing of the nostrils can irritate the sensitive skin around the nose, making it more prone to drying out and peeling.

4. Skin Care Products

If not selected or used correctly, the products you use on your skin could be harmful to its health. Face washes, scrubs, and exfoliating creams with harsh chemicals can dry out your skin and cause irritation and inflammation.

Some acne treatments, including salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, retinol, adapalene, and tretinoin, can dry out your skin by removing its protective lipids, causing irritation. It becomes flaky and dry as a result, particularly around the nose. Similar issues can also result from using products that contain chemicals you might be allergic to, though this usually itches.


5. Dehydration

Your skin and general well-being are both affected by not getting enough water. It is less likely to impact your skin if you drink less water for a few days. Long-term dehydration, on the other hand, can result in dry, lackluster skin. It is uncommon for general dehydration to be the root of localized skin dryness, but it can exacerbate the condition in people who are prone to dry skin around the nostrils.

Now that you are aware of the potential causes of dry skin around the nostrils, let’s examine some treatments for the condition.


10 Effective Tips And Remedies To Heal Dry Skin Around The Nose

Although having dry skin around the nostrils can be very upsetting, this condition is typically manageable with some straightforward advice and treatments. Board-certified physician Dr. Nadir Qazi states that shea butter and jojoba oil can be used to moisturise and hydrate the skin around the nostrils to treat and prevent flaky, dry, and itchy skin. The epidermis stays hydrated by drinking water. Because the cells are hydrated and plump, moisturisers eradicate dry skin and give it a smooth, appealing appearance. Products with rich antioxidants like vitamin E, such as shea butter and jojoba oil, regulate the skin’s natural oil production and are non-comedogenic to keep moisture in and clog-free pores. Investigate these quick and simple solutions to repair dry, peeling skin.


1. Stop Using Harsh Products

Make it a practise to study the ingredient lists on every skin care product you purchase. According to some beauty bloggers, products with irritants or exfoliants, such as scrubs, retinol, alpha hydroxy acids, or alcohol-based products, can cause the delicate skin around your nostrils to become dry and flaky. They advise against using face scrubs as well.

When experimenting with new products, always perform a quick patch test first, and use great caution when applying creams, lotions, and facial washes. Avoid irritating or drying items if your skin is normal or dry.


2. Use Products With Glycerol

Use lotions with nourishing components like glycerol to calm dry, flaky skin. It is a hydrating substance that creates a barrier of protection on the epidermis and aids in retaining moisture. Additionally, glycerol has antimicrobial qualities and speeds up wound recovery, relieving you of itching and redness. Additionally, you can purchase pure glycerol and use it to prepare Homemade serums and moisturisers. The epidermis tends to become drier as the air’s humidity levels fall, making moisturising even more crucial.

3. Stay Hydrated

As previously mentioned, extended general dehydration can increase your skin’s susceptibility to acquiring skin conditions. Make sure you drink enough water, particularly if you live in a dry area with long, sweltering summers.

4. Use A Nasal Spray For Allergies And Colds

The skin on and around your nostrils can become dry and more prone to peeling as a result of frequent tissue use and blowing. To control your allergies and clear out your nostrils so that you don’t need to blow your nose frequently, use a suitable nasal spray. Never self-medicate if you have serious allergies; always seek medical attention.

5. Invest In A Humidifier

A humidifier is a smart purchase for people who live in arid areas with dry air and poor humidity levels. Dry skin around the nostrils is just one of the many skin problems that can result from the harsh weather in these areas.

A humidifier will maintain moisture in the indoor air and help reduce allergy complaints. Additionally, it will keep your skin hydrated and guard against drying out from the weather.

6. Use Products With Hyaluronic Acid (HA)

Skin that is chronically parched has been harmed. You must treat the dry, flaky skin around your nostrils with nourishing and moisturising products if you want to make it better.

One such component is hyaluronic acid (HA), which has regenerative, wound-healing, and anti-inflammatory qualities that can help lessen dry skin. To hydrate the epidermis, it draws moisture from the atmosphere. As a result, it should only be used in humid settings. HA is readily found in gels, creams, lotions, and serums on the market.

7. Use Sunscreen

Dry skin around the nostrils and lips can be significantly influenced by the sun’s damaging UV rays as well as other environmental pollutants. If untreated, sunburns on the skin near the nostrils can become painful bumps and flaky scales. Every time you go outside, use a broad-spectrum sunblock to shield your skin from sunburns. Although sunscreen won’t reverse any already present damage, such as precancerous growths or skin cancer, it will lessen the likelihood of developing new damage.

8. Revamp Your Diet

Your skin’s health is directly impacted by what you consume. Consider ingesting foods high in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids to maintain supple skin and prevent dryness.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in abundance in chia seeds, hemp seeds, and flax seeds, and regular consumption will hydrate and soften your epidermis. Particularly flaxseed oil has been demonstrated to lessen skin scaling, roughness, and dehydration. Remember to load up on fresh fruits and veggies in your diet as well.

9. Pamper Your Skin More In The Winters

If you don’t protect your skin during the cold, it can easily lose moisture and become itchy and flaky. Winter will probably make your problem worse if you have dry skin around your nostrils.

When it gets colder, be sure to take excellent care of your skin and overall health. In order to soothe your throat and ward off allergies, eat nourishing foods and consume plenty of warm herbal beverages. To keep the skin around your nostrils from drying out, pamper it with rich, moisturising creams.

10. Use Natural Remedies

Plant oils with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, olive oil, and sesame oil, are beneficial for mending the skin barrier and fostering healing.

Use lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser to wash your skin. To maintain softness and smoothness in the skin around your nose, pat it dry and massage a few droplets of any of these oils into it.
The dry skin around the nostrils can be treated with a variety of methods. But how long must you wait before a change becomes apparent? Learn more below.


How Long Does Dry Skin Around The Nose Take To Heal?

You can anticipate noticeable improvement within 8–10 days of using the right products, barring underlying medical conditions that are the root of the dry skin and flaky scales on the skin around your nose.

Continue the treatment on a regular basis for at least 3 to 4 months if you want to see sustained improvement in your skin state. Adopting a holistic, healthy living is also important.

Only your doctor can advise you on the best course of action if your issue is chronic and/or recurrent and is caused by a medical condition. It might take a few months in this situation before effects are evident.

You can avoid dry skin around your nostrils by taking a few steps. See them in the following part.


10 Easy Tips For Preventing Dry Skin Around Your Nose

You can prevent the skin around your nostrils from drying out and itching by taking a few preventative measures. You must bear the following in mind.

If the skin around your nostrils is prone to drying out, avoid using face powder.
Showering for an extended period of time—more than 15 minutes—can dry out your epidermis.
While taking a shower, only use lukewarm water because hot water can dry out your epidermis.
If you’re going to be near reflective surfaces like water, snow, or ice, use sunblock with a high SPF.
Keep in mind that certain medicines can increase your skin’s sensitivity to sunburn, which can lead to dry skin around the nose.

To keep your skin hydrated, use a moisturising facial mist on a frequent basis.
Avoid items that frequently exfoliate or cause irritation.
Use pH-balanced skin care items that are gentle.
Change your lifestyle to one that is healthier generally for your skin.
Before going to bed, remember to completely cleanse your face and remove all of your makeup with an oil-based makeup remover.


Frequently Asked Questions

What should you do if persistently parched skin?

If dry skin persists, Dr. Qazi recommends seeking medical attention. All skin kinds are unique, he continues. One person’s solution might not apply to everyone. You should see a doctor to determine the next steps if the skin is warm to the touch, burns, or is strained to the point of cracking.

Will Vaseline moisturise parched skin?

Vaseline can help dry skin retain moisture and is an excellent moisturiser.

How can the redness around your nostrils be treated?

The root of the redness around your nostrils will determine how to proceed. You can use mild moisturisers on the area around your nostrils if it is caused by the weather or a sunburn. Consult your doctor for additional therapy options if the redness is brought on by a skin condition or infection.

Can you lubricate the outside of your nostril with Vaseline?

Vaseline can be applied to the outside of your nostril, yes. Make careful not to apply Vaseline inside your nose.


Key Takeaways

Dry skin around the nostrils can be a result of underlying skin problems, environmental factors, allergies, dehydration, and harmful ingredients in skin care products.
Products containing glycerol can be used to relieve dry, flaky, and itchy skin because it has antimicrobial qualities.
To maintain your skin soft and healthy, eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.



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