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Benefits Of Vitamin E For Hair, How To Use, & Side Effects



Benefits Of Vitamin E For Hair, How To Use, & Side Effects

3 Benefits of Vitamin E for Hair, How to use, & Side Effects

Include vitamin E in your hair care routine to give your locks the attention they deserve. The next huge hair care trend is squeezing out Evion pills to add vitamin E oil to hair. The benefits of utilizing vitamin E for hair are numerous, having been claimed to improve hair health significantly. This fat-soluble vitamin is abundant in antioxidants, which protect the hair from aging and other types of oxidative damage. Continue reading to learn about all the ways vitamin E may benefit your hair’s health. We also inform you if you should use the oil on your hair or use vitamin E tablets instead.

In This Article

1. The Benefits Of Vitamin E For Hair
2. How To Use Vitamin E For Hair?
3. Vitamin E-Rich Foods For Healthy Hair
4. Daily Recommended Intake Of Vitamin E
5. Vitamin E: Risks, Side Effects, And Interactions
6. Benefits Of Vitamin E Oil For Hair
7. Key Takeaways


The Benefits of Vitamin E for Hair

There is no sufficient scientific evidence to support vitamin E’s effect in encouraging hair development and sustaining hair health. However, a few inconsistent studies have suggested that vitamin E may have hair benefits.

1. Prevents Hair Loss And Helps Hair Growth

A modest study discovered that combining tocotrienol supplements (chemicals from the vitamin E family) might enhance hair growth. Another inconclusive study discovered that low antioxidant (vitamin E) levels may be related to baldness.

2. It May Prevent Premature Graying

One of the primary reasons for premature greying is oxidative stress, and vitamin E and other non-enzymatic antioxidative compounds can neutralize free radicals and reduce premature greying.

3. May Help Repair Split Ends

You can blend the oil from a vitamin E capsule with other protecting natural oils and apply it to your damaged hair ends. Together with other nutritious oils, vitamin E oil can help repair your damaged tresses.

You may add vitamin E into your hair care routine in various ways. Find out how in the next section.


How to use Vitamin E for Hair?

1. Vitamin E Hair Oils And Products

On the market, you may discover a variety of vitamin E hair oils. These oils include naturally produced vitamin E and other herbal extracts that may help strengthen the hair, nourish the scalp and follicles, and maintain the health of your hair.

You may also extract the oil from vitamin E pills and use it with your normal hair oil. To avoid allergic reactions, perform a patch test.

You may also use natural vitamin E shampoos, conditioners, and hair treatments.

2. Take Vitamin E Supplements

The easiest approach to obtain enough vitamin E in your body is to take vitamin E tablets. Vitamin E supplements are available in the form of tablets, gummies, and capsules.

However, there is always the risk of consuming too much vitamin E through supplements. Furthermore, unless you have a vitamin E deficit, supplements are not advised. As a result, before taking vitamin E, visit a doctor.

According to research, the best method to receive vitamin E is through food. The top vitamin E dietary sources are given in the section below.

Vitamin E-Rich Foods for Healthy Hair

You may include the following foods in your diet:

Sunflower seeds
Vegetable oils (safflower, wheat germ, sunflower, and corn oil)
Nuts, such as peanuts and almonds
Peanut butter
Green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli and spinach
Breakfast cereals and fruit juices fortified with vitamin E

Include at least one or more of these items in your diet to boost your vitamin E consumption. Check the recommended dietary intake below to verify that you are receiving enough Vitamin E each day.


Daily Recommended Intake of Vitamin E

The National Institutes of Health recommends the following dosage:

0-6 months4 mg4 mg
7-12 months5 mg5 mg
1-3 years6 mg6 mg
4- 8years7 mg7 mg
9-13 years11 mg11 mg
14 years and above15 mg15 mg15 mg19 mg

Excess vitamin E in your body might pose major health hazards. Vitamin E supplements can also interact with other medications. Before using vitamin E, consider the potential adverse effects listed below.


Vitamin E: Risks, Side Effects, and Interactions

Taking more than the recommended daily value of vitamin E may increase your risk of:

Intestinal cramps
Diarrhea and flatulence
Blurred vision
High creatinine in the urine
Apart from this, vitamin E is also found to interact or interfere with certain medications:

Anticoagulants And Antiplatelet Medicines: May increase the risk of bleeding.
Chemotherapy Or Radiation Drugs: May affect the efficacy of the treatment.
Simvastatin And Niacin: May interfere with the cardioprotective effects of the drugs.

The risks are only associated with the excessive intake of vitamin E supplements. Vitamin E from food sources does not cause any such side effects.


Benefits of Vitamin E Oil for Hair

Vitamin E oil can improve scalp health. It works well with carrier oils, and the benefits of vitamin E oil for hair include:

1. Prevents hair loss 

2. Conditioning the scalp 

3. Imparts shine 

4. Encourages hair growth

5. Increases hair strength 


What Should avoid using Vitamin E oil for hair?

Vitamin E is great for all hair types. but people with certain conditions should avoid using vitamin e oil. Avoid this oil if you have/are

1. Sensitive scalp

2. Thyroidoid issues

3. Undergoing Chemotherapy

There has been little research into the benefits of vitamin E for hair. However, this powerful antioxidant can aid in the maintenance of your general hair health. While topical vitamin E solutions can help keep your scalp healthy, oral vitamin E supplements can help nourish your scalp and hair from the inside. However, taking too many vitamin E pills might have unintended consequences. As a result, before taking any supplements, visit a doctor to decide whether you need them and the appropriate amount.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can vitamin E oil be applied directly on hair?

No, as it may cause an allergic reaction. Dilute it with any carrier oil or your regular hair oil before applying.

How often should you apply vitamin E to your hair?

You may use vitamin E-rich hair masks, shampoos, and conditioners 2-3 times a week.

Can I leave vitamin E on my hair overnight?

Yes, you may. However, ensure that it is diluted with hair oil and that you wash it off thoroughly the next morning.

Can vitamin E be mixed with coconut oil?

Yes, you may mix vitamin E and coconut oil.

Which oil is high in vitamin E?

Wheat germ oil has the highest percentage of vitamin E.

What is the best time to take vitamin E supplements?

Consult a doctor to know the right time for taking supplements.

Can vitamin E cure dandruff?

No. It cannot cure dandruff.

Can I leave vitamin E on my hair for 2 days?

Currently, no evidence suggests that leaving vitamin E on your hair for 2 days is unsafe. However, it is recommended that you leave the vitamin E on your hair overnight and rinse it out the next morning.

How many times can we use vitamin E capsules for hair?

You can mix vitamin E capsules with jojoba or coconut oil and apply the mixture to your scalp twice or thrice a week to improve your hair health.

Does excess vitamin E cause hair loss?

Yes, studies have linked excess use of vitamin E to hair loss. Consult your doctor for the correct dosage before usage.


Key Takeaways

1. Vitamin E prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth.
2. Consuming vitamin E supplements is the best way to provide vitamin E to your body.
3. However, vitamin E can cause intestinal cramps, nausea, weakness, and blurred vision if consumed more than required.


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